Thursday, November 6, 2008

How Dumb Is Sarah Palin?

Sarah Palin is very dumb say McCain aides:

1. Sarah Palin didn't know Africa is a continent--say McCain aides
2. Sarah Palin didn't know the 3 countries in North American Free Trade Agreement (U.S. Canada Mexico)--say McCain aides
3. Sarah Palin refused to prepare for infamous Katie Couric interview--say McCain aides

Update #2: Michel Malkin versus McCain Aides
"Blabbermouth" and "classless"
Michel Malkin calls McCain aides in Malkin's defense of Sarah Palin.

Update #3-Nov 7: Defending Sarah Palin
Over here at The American Spectator
I had a fun day defending Sarah Palin.

Update #4-Nov 7: Palin calls attackers Jerks and Cowards
Associated Press Writers
produce article detailing what Sarah Palin says concerning the anonymous comments coming out about her at Fox News and elsewhere. "Jerks" and "cowards" are among the things Sarah Palin has to say about those anonymous commenters in the article.

Update #5-Nov 11: McCain defends Sarah Palin in TV interview
In a Nov. 11 interview with Jay Leno,
John McCain says,
among other things, about Sarah Palin:
"I'm so proud of her and very grateful that she agreed to run with me. She inspired people. She still does"
"I couldn't be happier with Sarah Palin, and she's gone back to be a great governor, and I think she will play a big role in the future of this country."

Update #6-Nov 14: Sarah Palin is not dumb!
1. Dumb women don't get to be mayor, Governor, and
vice presidential candidate in a short period of time,
as Sarah Palin did.
2. The Wolf Blitzer interview with Sarah Palin on CNN
after the Nov. 4th Presidential election, shows any rational
person whether from the Left or Right that Sarah Palin is
far from dumb but rather is a very intelligent person.
(click link above for video)


Anonymous said...

The Left knows she's not dumb, and that is one of the reasons they are still going after her. The media bias against her was amazing - 18 to 1 on the big 3 networks - and easily provable by showing how Obama voters knew almost nothing about Obama / Biden faults and basic political issues but plenty about Palin (yet only the bad stuff).

Agent Orange Peel said...

4simpsons: Thank you for posting a comment here for the first time.Yes there is no question that the main stream media went out of their way to do as much damage to Sarah Palin as they could so as to help promote their personal favorite, Barack Obama.

But even though she was on the losing ticket I still believe she has a lot of potential and may resurface on the top of the ticket in 2012 or 2016.